Nymfo talks his Love For Low Frequencies

InterviewsWritten by Umut Avialan on

Drum & Bass veteran Nymfo aka Bardo Camo launched his label Love For Low Frequencies last month. Filled with excellent collaborations, the first EP 'Kindred Spirits' by the main man himself dropped on May 25th. Among others, Untrue was one of the collaborators who will be releasing his debut EP 'Critical' on the label on June 30th.

20 years deep in the music industry, Nymfo is by far no stranger to release processes and what comes with them. Oftentimes, especially nowadays, not a lot of care goes into releasing music. Labels just publish stuff every other week and don't give the creators their deserved attention.

With Love For Low Frequencies, Camp wants to be a positive counterpoint to this. Releasing music every six weeks, he wants to support and elevate the artists. He's there making phone calls or Zoom sessions, giving constructive feedback or even helping with mixdowns. On paper, how a label should act at all times. Intrigued by the label launch, I hit up Nymfo to talk about the label, his inspiration and what's to come in the future!

Hey Bardo, thanks for jumping on. You just launched your label Love For Low Frequencies. How does that make you feel?

Yeah, man, all the positive feedback has given me a good feeling. Long before the launch, I contacted all the blogs and YouTube channels. Everyone was super positive. That's a nice feeling because then you’re probably doing the right thing. That's making me happy! Also, what's making me happy as well is that I contacted quite a lot of partly upcoming producers to ask if they're up for signing music to my label, which isn't there yet. They were also all very positive, keen, and ready to send me music and we worked on signing EPs by them.


It’s nice to feel and see that people believe in me.

I can imagine it's an elevating feeling for sure.


So, what brought you to this decision? Did you always want to launch a label?

Yes and no. When I started out I was always happy with releasing on other labels to build my profile. Then halfway through my career, I thought about starting a label but was a bit lazy as well. Maybe not lazy, but more like, if I start a label, I want to do it properly, like giving it full attention and not just releasing some music. So gradually I made a few changes in my work. I took a little break from DJing. I'm doing fewer gigs because I don't like traveling anymore.

Hear ya!

Now I have more time in the studio and for other things. Time-wise, it was perfect to start the label now. I can give it full attention and try to make the best of it.

Yeah, I understand that. I can imagine having three kids and a wife and producing music can be engaging to say the least.

Yeah, 100%. Also, I'm doing this for such a long time already and I'm thankful for that. Also, I’m asking myself if this is something that I’m going to do until I’m 60 or 70. Weighing options. Can I make other things? One of those things is starting a label, you know?

Yeah, I understand that 100%. So, what's your goal with the label?

My goal is more to build a brand but also to help elevate the careers of upcoming artists or artists I like. It's not all about me but more about being a cool label where cool artists want to get signed because it’s good for their profile. Even more ideal would be if I have a few key artists I want to help them build their careers and profiles and share my knowledge and experience because I'm in the industry already for 20 years. It's more like a platform for talented musicians who will hopefully grow because of the label.

Yeah, it's a nice contrast to what I experience very often nowadays where they just put up a SoundCloud with a lot of free tracks. Not much care goes into growing the artists.

It changed a lot. It's super-easy to release music nowadays, so a lot of labels do it every week. There is almost no attention, time to give the release a time to breathe. I want to release music every six weeks. I need to find out if that works well, of course. If you release music every one- or two weeks people will forget the music more easily.

I 100% agree! It’s not nice for the artists themselves because they put so much time and effort into it, right?

Yeah, that's true! And the thing is I already get sent a lot of demos after I made the announcement of starting a label. Hopefully, it will be still the same a year time in. I don’t want to make artists feel like a number on a list of things.

Yeah, a little bit of appreciation goes a long way in helping artists grow.

Maybe it's also because I'm a producer and have seen those things with releases of mine where I thought it should’ve gotten more attention. Often labels are run by non-producers who are more like businesspeople. Additionally, being a producer first and foremost, I can also help all the artists who’ve sent me demos with making their tunes better. I give them specific feedback and can help them with mixdowns a bit. Hopefully, people talk about that and notice Love For Low Frequencies is a pretty cool brand to release music on because you get the attention and they think about the artist and try to build the profile, that kind of stuff.

You’re speaking a lot of truth here! I did some label work myself and couldn’t give sufficient feedback as I wasn’t producing. Later on, when my production skills progressed I could feedback better. It’s a delicate matter handling other people’s creations!


Speaking of creations, you just released your EP 'Kindred Spirits' on the label with lots of collaborations.


How did the EP come about? Was it the plan to release your own music on the label first?

Yeah, I wanted to start it with a Nymfo EP because with I have quite a followership and people know me, Most of the collaborations are with artists who are going to release on the label. I thought it would be a nice introduction to artists which I signed EPs from on the label. That's how it started.

Right! We can certainly get some more Untrue, Mindset and flowanastasia sounds on the label in the future on the label?

Yeah, the second EP is by Untrue. Did you get the promo already?

Yes, I did! I haven't listened to it yet, though. Will do it after our call.

Right. So, there’s an Untrue EP, and another by Mindset and I want to have flowanastasia on tracks more often.

Got it! By the way, my favorite tune of the EP was the Freddie B collab because it was, like, a very nice mixture of Bristol sound and a little bit deeper edge.

Oh, nice. Thanks! I feel like that's a typical early Nymfo tune. It's simple, minimalistic, and it works greatly with the vocals as well. But even the instrumental is also nice to play.

Yeah, I 100% agree. Nice drums, to say the least.


I hope you can fulfill the goal of supporting and elevating the artists. We need more label managers like you!

I'll be trying. It's the music industry. I can't guarantee anything. But the people I worked with so far are all super happy because they’re seeing that I’m taking it seriously. I'm quick with replying. I make phone calls, Zoom sessions with all the artists to talk about a lot of stuff. That's how I want to work. I’m humbled by artists sending me music to release. I’m super thankful for that!

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