Premiere: Norfik's 'Heartbreak' EP on SATELLITE ERA

PremieresWritten by Daniel Aagentah on

SATELLITE ERA make a splash as they return with the next offering on their extensive catalogue. This time, the 'Heartbreak' EP by Norfik—a 6-track release exploring the depths of underground bass music.

Within, each track speaks to its listener in a strange way, carefully treading the line between its euphoric subtleties, and upper-range dance hooks. From start to finish, the release explores a range of breakbeat patterns, ambient pads, acid-303 rhythms, and jungle percussions.

Today, we premiere a personal favourite from the EP. The track titled 'Greed' takes you through a subtle early landscape, building you into a progressively choppier journey. The intermittent percussive & pad switches throughout challenge you to address the overarching mood of this track, in the best possible way.

An all-round fantastic release, leaving you in awe. It need not be said that SATELLITE ERA exists as a great home for such a release, and we're excited to see what each will bring for the Summer ahead.

Mission Statement

This project is crafted to be open and collaborative. Through this, we seek to explore core themes within a structured framework:

  • Symbiosis: Can artists and communities have better relations?
  • Meaning: What matters in pursuing and preserving artistic influences?
  • Intersectivity: Are there chartable commonalities within art and technology?

By asking questions, we hope to observe something new; and with that, offer our own perspective.

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