no puls talks Flatline Flow Vol. 5

InterviewsWritten by Kit Dalton on

Blending rich textures with a hypnotic percussive swing, no puls uses an unorthodox sound choice of wonky basslines and ambience laid by the eastern influenced scales.

Continuing the series with 'Flatline Flow Vol. 5' no puls presents a further 12 experimental beats. There’s an almost spiritual cohesiveness to the project, creating an ethereal listening experience from start to finish. I caught up with him to talk about the project, his business venture and what the future has in store.

Hey man thanks for taking the time to chat with us. Tell us a bit about what goes into a 'Flatline Flow' album?

Anything and everything can go into the Flatline series. I usually make about 20-30 tracks in a month or so and I just pick the best ones that I feel fit together and hold their own weight in the best way.

20-30 tracks? that's crazy. What lead you to that infamous 'lazy' shuffle that you are so well known for?

Swing interested me more than anything when I first started making beats. I felt that people who were just drawing on the grid were lacking the human touch, so I promised myself to never draw in my drums.

You often use eastern scales and instruments in your music, can you tell us a bit more about your influences?

I am drawn to those sounds more than anything and find a kind of magic in them more than I find in other instruments. They succeed more in portraying a metaphysical aesthetic through sound.

One thing that has changed your way of producing the most?

Probably the Tascam recorder I picked up a couple years ago. The thing catches everything and can be used in so many different ways. I'm also just using more real recordings than VST's and synths. Inspiration helps too.

When can we expect to see the Noer the Boy collab? Are there any others we should look out for?

Ahh we waiting right now but in due time, that one slaps and want to drop it when it’s ready. Hoping to get it out there this year. I have a lot of shit with anti.negative in the works that the world is not ready for and also one I want to finish soon with Kije. Have a couple with Hapa sitting and that’s about it right now. All fuego.

Exciting stuff mate. Tell us a bit about Yangyin Apparel?

Yangyin Apparel was inspired by one of my bandcamp albums called YANGYIN. I have always cut and edited my own clothes and this was just the next step in a different creative direction. I needed a break from the music and had to step out to truly be able to step back in with a renewed sense of focus. Starting with the kimono's has been a blast and I can't wait to finish the full line I'm currently working on. Everything is ebb and flow inspired, and definitely has its own aesthetic. It is just another part of me that I am sharing with the world.

I notice more live shows are occurring of late, will you be making any European appearances anytime soon?

People have been hitting me up with possible leads lately but nothing concrete as of right now. Promoters and agents email Get at me!

What are you plans for the rest of the year?

Taking my time man. Working on this new clothing endeavour while finding the sound I truly want to push. Just flowing and grinding.

Thank you for taking the time out, is there anything you would like to add?

No worries man thank you for the opportunity. I will say there is a new duo in the works that I am apart of but y'all will have to find out what is what on your own!

Mission Statement

This project is crafted to be open and collaborative. Through this, we seek to explore core themes within a structured framework:

  • Symbiosis: Can artists and communities have better relations?
  • Meaning: What matters in pursuing and preserving artistic influences?
  • Intersectivity: Are there chartable commonalities within art and technology?

By asking questions, we hope to observe something new; and with that, offer our own perspective.

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